The Phantom of the Opera revolves around the Paris Opera House in France. The story is set in the year 1880. The main character is Erik. He is a tragic figure who is born disfigured. He is rejected by everyone, including his own parents. The story begins with the dancers talking about the Opera ghost. Then, Joseph Buquet was found dead with a rope around his neck. The newly-appointed directors of the Opera House received a letter from the Opera ghost in which the letter demanded that they should leave Box 5 just for him and that they should pay him wages.
Rising Action
On the opera night, The Parisian audience were delighted by Christine’s singing. Among those who watch her debut were Phillipe and Raoul, his brother. Raoul was in love with Christine since he met her four years ago. After the performance, Raoul went to Christine’s dressing-room and manage to eavesdrop her talking to a man, whom he assumed to be her lover. The following evening, the directors received another letter from the Opera ghost warning them that he was getting angry because they had ignored his demand. The directors decided to seek advice from Madame Giry, an old employee at the Opera House who knew the ghost well.
Erik falls in love with the beautiful Christine Daaé. He becomes obsessed with her. He tutors her to be the best opera singer in Paris and he wants to marry her. He is so desperate that he resorts to kidnapping her. On the night of the opera, Christine disappeared from the stage when the lights went out. There was a commotion in the Opera House.
Falling Action
Raoul went in search of Christine. He was helped by the Persian who led him behind the big mirror in the dressing-room and through a passage to Eric’s house on the lake. Unfortunately, the Persian and Raoul arrived at the torture room of Eric’s house. They were trapped while Eric and Christine watched them dying. Eric told Christine that he would release them if she agreed to stay and marry him.
Christine is willing to sacrifice herself in order to save Raoul. She agrees to be Erik’s wife if he were to set Raoul free. She goes up to Erik and plants a gentle kiss on his mouth. Overwhelmed by great emotion, Erik immediately kneels before Christine and starts to cry. He sets Christine and Raoul free and allows them to marry each other. On their release, the grateful pair leaves for a secret place in the country while Erik is claimed to have died from heartbreak.